ICA: Executive Update
Dear all 2.4mR NCA member, dear sailors, 2.4mR class fans
Enclosed you will find Information from Executive Committee after some time with a request to inform you members in your country. Feel free to inform also supporters and other sailors and yacht-clubs interested in the 2.4mR class.
Be sure that the attached information is a result of long heavy discussions and hours on the phone calls, many exchanged e-mails, searching etc.
It’s a collective work of the EC.
Hoping in better times we can discuss the serious topics direct face to face in a pleasant environment and try to be happy we can sail again and looking forward for a healthy growth of the 2.4mR class not only in Europe.
Best regards
on behalf of 2.4mR ICA EC
Alexander Sadilek
Vice- President 2.4mR ICA