German Championship and Bavarian State Championship 2021

A report by Bernd-L. Käther, secretary of the German Class Association

A record number of 51 boats registered and that was already highly gratifying. The SCPC prepared the logistics to perfection. THW laid out an extra floating dock so that all of the 2.4mR boats had a suitable berth.

The operators lifted the boats with the forklift in and out of the water quickly and the whole process was smooth.

45 boats joined from Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Belgium, France and Switzerland; 15 of them qualifying for the Para ranking. While sailing on Thursday fell victim to the lack of wind, a total of 6 races could be sailed on Friday and Saturday. Thus the reserve day on Sunday was free and could be used for the quiet loading of the boats.

At the sailors' evening on Saturday, the numerous guests of honor from politics, business and sports underlined the social importance of living inclusion in 2.4mR. They praised the outstanding and trend-setting commitment of the organizer SCPC for this, especially of its honorary president Lothar Demps.

At the subsequent award ceremony, the first three in the overall ranking and the first six in the para ranking were honored.

Full ranking HERE

Overall ranking:

1. Heiko Kroeger

2. Oliver Thies

3. Christian Bodler

Para ranking:

1. Heiko Kroeger

2. Sebastian Meierdiercks

3. Karin Hofmann

4. Jan Melika

5. Alexander Sadilek

6. Mathias Kortke

Then suckling pig and free drinks were served, the small talk at the tables became quiet for a short time. The background music of three young Bavarian musicians was eagerly applauded. Frank Schönfeldt and Oliver Thies each donated a high-quality jib for the Czech team.

It was a successful championship, big thanks to the members and the board of the sailing club Prien am Chiemsee for the fabulous hospitality!

Images provided by Loïc Eonnet: Portraits and Sailing Images


Grand Prix 2.4mR class in Czech Republic
