WC 2.4mR + Gold Cup 2021 Warnemünde

A report by Megan Pascoe

It was a complete shame that we couldn't go to Norway this year, a worlds is something very special and it was a part of Norway I quite fancied visiting. Para World sailing met with the German National Class Association to see whether they could still host a Para Worlds. Something that is important in the bid to become a Paralympic class. I was intrigued by the idea as I wanted to get back to International competition. Luckily when the information came out they were also allowing open class boats and able bodied to take part. This made the regatta even more appealing to me as you started to see the entry list growing.

September came and with the Baltic calling I headed East. What I realised when I got there was how much I had missed the fleet. Meeting up with sailors that you hadn't seen for many years is amazing. Catching up on life, finding out who's has won what, who's sailing what, what changes have been made. You also meet new sailors who have only been in the class a few regattas.

The organisation was great and Peter and Stefan did a great job of running the racing. Once we got used to the long walk to the boat and trying not to get run over by a ferry life was good. 35 boats, 3 world champions, countless national champions and one bit of water. Big big shifts was the call of the week. Get it right you are in first, get it wrong you are in last. We have all raced in our own countries over the last couple of years and it is great when you get back to other fleets to find out where you stand. If not a little unnerving. For the third day we had some swell in an off shore breeze mixing up the fleet, bringing those who had struggled in the light winds to the front. In life I drive off competition and love competing even if I'm not winning. To end on the podium we had around 60 years of 2.4mR experience in Hans, myself and Heiko. It is great to see the new guys in the fleet, a special mention to John who made it over from the USA. It was not easy to run an international regatta in these times, to help the Para movement and to also bring one of the best international line ups this year. Warnemunde delivered. To new and old 2.4 sailors the spirit of the class lives on whatever your boat preference. I will never forget why I love the boat. 14ft of graceful sailing, in a drysuit. As we say we are in the washing machine class, sadly ours is outside the boat not inside next to the cooker.

Gold Cup Results 1.Heiko Kröger (GER) 2.Megan Pascoe (GBR) 3.Hans Asklund (SWE)

Para Worlds Results 1.Heiko Kröger (GER) 2.Antonio Squizzato (ITA) 3.Fia Fjelddahl (SWE)

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Full Results HERE




Grand Prix 2.4mR class in Czech Republic